Roots opened its doors to customers in the year 1997. With consistent quality over the years in addition to the global mindset shifting fast towards health foods, ROOTS expanded rapidly and has now become the undisputed market leader in the fresh fruit juice sector. ROOTS has also taken the green pledge by banning all single- use plastics from their flagship; Roots, Roots Gelato and Fresh Intentions. New additions to ROOTS would be Fresh Intentions, Gelato and Cold Pressed Juices. Fresh Intentions epitomizes a life style drink that celebrates great taste and good health! Fresh Intentions is about fun and cool attitude, with a touch of sophistication. The benefits of cold-pressed juices are many; the first is that drinking cold-pressed juices increases an individual’s consumption of raw fruits and vegetables in just one sitting, which in turn boosts energy levels within the body. FURTHER the flavor of these beverages are another notch higher than the regular juices as they are pure 100% juice which contain no added sugars or water. These factors make cold-press juices ideal for those who lead, for the most part, a sedentary lifestyle as well as those who are hardcore fitness enthusiasts.